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Originally considered a full Planet by many people, Pluto was ultimately classified as a dwarf planet in 2006 when the International Astronomical Union set down the official conditions for planethood, because it had not "cleared the neighborhood" around its orbit.

Since the early days of interplanetary colonization Pluto has been a goal for many people, but its frigid conditions and distant orbit made it a challenge. It is up to you to rise to meet that challenge.


Pluto lies in the Kuiper belt, a region just past the orbit of Neptune, although because of its elliptical orbit, it is sometimes closer to the sun than Neptune. It was the ninth planet of the solar system before it was demoted. Another ninth planet exists in the solar system, called Ophadamia, is a mysterious planet lurking beyond the Kuiper Belt and has a strong gravity to affect the orbits of its surrounding planets.

Pluto, small as it is, has five moons: Charon, Styx, Nix, Kerberos and Hydra, with Charon being the closest to Pluto and Hydra the most distant. Charon has half the diameter Pluto does, and is also a playable world in TerraGenesis.

Three of Pluto's moons count as Pluto's natural satellites in-game, and so can have habs and spaceports built on them, these are Charon II (Small), Nix I (Tiny) and Hydra I (Tiny).

In real life, Charon is Class 3, Nix is Class 2, Hydra is Class 2 and Styx and Kerberos are Class 1.


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Terraformed Pluto with cities and statistics.

Terraformed and unterrafromed pluto map

Terraformed and unterraformed Pluto map

Be sure to build your cities in places with high elevation (check the map on elevation mode) to avoid flooding.

First increase your Mining revenue so you can start earning credits. Alternatively, you can immediately build two or more cities, not invest in mining at all, and wait for the 'trade route established' event to pop up, which will earn you a lot of credits without it costing you anything.

Be sure to decrease the amount of water frozen in ice before you increase pressure and temperature too much, otherwise your planet will flood. Be especially careful with Soletta.

The spaceport is the better choice to raise your pressure, but do not let it upgrade to level X because 55 pressure increase is hard to balance out. Level IX is best.


  • Pluto is very far away from the Sun, which means that it receives very little of the sun's light and heat. Even if we heat it, plant life can't survive without our help - it's very dark here. To make plants survive we need to place a large light thing orbiting Pluto, to light different places and help plants survive.
  • Pluto has a thin atmosphere in real life. At near perihelion, the ices sublimate into gases and thicken the atmosphere. At aphelion, the atmosphere dissipates.
  • Pluto was the ninth planet from 1930 to 2006. Now it's a dwarf planet, because it didn't clear its orbit. Eris, Makemake and other dwarf planets share Pluto's orbit trajectory.
  • Pluto and Charon are sometimes called a double planet system, because they are very close to each other, orbiting around one center of mass, and their sizes are comparable. Charon is almost two times smaller than Pluto. For example Earth's Moon is four times smaller, so Earth and Moon cannot be called a double planet system.[1]
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