TerraGenesis Wiki
TerraGenesis Wiki

Known to early settlers as "The Walnut of Saturn", Iapetus is most recognizable for the tall ridge running most of the way around the moon along its equator, comprised of some of the tallest mountains in the entire solar system. Although at only 2% of Earth's gravity there isn't much need for a Space Elevator, such a prominent equatorial ridge would make for a perfect socket site if one were to be built.

We expect significant French immigration, as surface features of Iapetus are named after characters and places from the French epic poem, The Song of Roland. Though, given that Iapetus orbits almost three times farther out from Saturn even than Titan, immigration in general might be slower than usual.


Iapetus is the third largest moon of Saturn. Its equatorial ridge can be seen and the marker for socket cities, making increasing revenue and population (especially if playing with UNSA) more efficient and quick.


There is a truly massive amount of water frozen in ice that will need to mostly get rid of of as soon as possible if want to terraform without flooding the planet.

The frozen in ice part of most moons and dwarf planets is because a subsurface ocean is impossible on TerraGenesis, so they made it Frozen in Ice. The ice is 33% more thick than the elevation of the world.


What is interesting about this moon that it is two-toned. On one side, it is white and the other side brown. It has an equatorial ridge.

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