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Governor update picture

Governors were added in the February 3rd 2020 update of TerraGenesis. They are unlockable characters that you can assign to each of the world's cities. If you have unlocked a governor on one world, they will be unlocked on every world. Each governor has effects. If you assign a governor to a city, that governor's effects will be applied to that city. A common governor has one effect, a rare governor has two effects, an epic governor has three, and legendary governors have four effects.

Currently, there are 21 common governors (blue background), 15 rare governors (purple background), 10 epic governors (gold background), and 7 legendary governors (white background) in the game.

Unlock and Upgrade[]


How to Get Governor Cards - TerraGenesis Tutorials

To unlock a governor, you will need to get at least one governor card of that governor. The easiest way to get those cards is to receive three free governor cards each day by going to the 'get governors' button. From there, you can also buy governor cards for GP or for real money.

Governor cards can also be earned by completing live events.

Governors are upgraded by having more of their governor cards. There are different governor packs.

Upgrading governors increases their effects' strengths, as well as their power boost's strength.

Level Cards to reach this Level Cumulative total cards Additive effects Reductive effects Power Boost
I 1 1 +10% -5% +100% for 10 minutes
II 5 6 +20% -10% +200% for 10 minutes
III 10 16 +30% -15% +300% for 10 minutes
IV 15 31 +40% -20% +400% for 20 minutes
V 25 56 +60% -25% +600% for 20 minutes
VI 35 91 +80% -30% +800% for 30 minutes
VII 45 136 +100% -35% +1,000% for 30 minutes
VIII 60 196 +120% -40% +1,200% for 40 minutes
IX 75 271 +140% -45% +1,400% for 40 minutes
X 100 371 +200% -50% +2,000% for 60 minutes

To get that governor to level II, you will need 5 more cards, so 6 in total. To get a governor to level X, you will need a total of 371 cards.

Level X is the maximum level. If you get more than 371 total cards for any governor, the extra cards will do nothing.

Power Boost[]

Governors' power boosts grow in strength along with governor level.

There is a power boost exploit that allows to have a boost going for hours on end. Learn more:

Main article: Governor/Power Boost


Any effect a governor has only affects the city of assigned them to (with the exception of Satellite construction time - see below).

  • Heat Growth/Reduction - Facilities that affect the world's temperature, such as the Solar Shade, become more effective at reducing/increasing temperature. This effect can be boosted.
  • Pressure Growth/Reduction - Facilities that affect the world's pressure levels, such as the Hydrogen Processor, become more effective at reducing/increasing pressure levels. This effect can be boosted.
  • Oxygen Growth/Reduction - Facilities that affect the world's oxygen levels, such as the Kelp Farm, become more effective at reducing/increasing oxygen levels. This effect can be boosted.
  • Water Growth/Reduction - Facilities that affect the world's water levels, such as the Ice Launcher, become more effective at reducing/increasing water levels. This effect can be boosted.
  • Biomass Growth - Facilities that produce Biomass, such as the Coral Reef, become more effective at producing Biomass. If you have the Biospheres function enabled instead of the Biomass function, this effect does not do anything. This effect can be boosted.
  • Biomass Consumption - The city's population consumes less Biomass. If you have the Biospheres function enabled instead of the Biomass function, this effect does not do anything. This effect can not be boosted.
  • Habitations - The city's Hab facilities, such as the Hab Unit, can hold more population. This does not affect population growth. This effect can not be boosted.
  • Population - Facilities that produce population, such as the Spaceport, will produce more population. This does not affect native birthrate, population growth caused by events such as Population Boom or population growth caused by the Space Elevator. This effect can be boosted.
  • Birthrate - The city's native birthrate increases. This does not affect population earned through facilities, such as the Children's Creche. Early game, birthrate is not very high yet, so this effect is more useful late game. This effect can be boosted.
  • Revenue - Facilities that produce revenue, such as the Coral Reef, will produce more revenue. This does not affect culture revenue, earned from events. This effect does not affect revenue earned through the Space Elevator either. This effect can be boosted.
  • Culture Revenue - The city's culture revenue increases. Culture Revenue is earned through events such as The Mother Lode or The League. This effect can be boosted.
  • Facility Maintenance - All of The city's facilities will have less maintenance costs. There are no maintenance costs in Beginner mode, so in that mode this effect does not do anything. This effect does not affect other costs, such as the costs the Solar Shade makes. This effect can not be boosted.
  • Construction Cost - Building new facilities in the city will cost less credits. This does not affect the costs of subsequent upgrades to the facility. This effect can not be boosted.
  • Construction Time - Building new facilities in the city will take less time. This does not affect the time it takes to subsequently upgrade the facility. This effect can not be boosted.
  • Upgrade Cost - Upgrading already built facilities in the city will cost less credits. This does not affect the costs of building brand new facilities. This effect can not be boosted.
  • Upgrade Time - Upgrading already built facilities in the city will take less time. This does not affect the time it takes to build brand new facilities. This effect can not be boosted.
  • Demolition Cost - Demolishing already built facilities in the city will cost less credits. This does not affect the base cost of 1,000,000c or any additional population costs for demolishing cities.

Construction and Upgrade Effects and how they work[]

These effects will not affect construction or upgrades that have already begun when you assign construction or upgrade governors to a city. First assign them, then construct/upgrade something, and then you can unassign them before those constructions/upgrades are finished, and their effect will still work as if they were still assigned.

When you go to the 'build new facility' menu with a construction governor assigned to the city, you cannot see their effects reflected in the costs/time the game says it will take to construct something, but they will still take effect as soon as construct something. Effects of upgrade governors are immediately visible when tap the 'upgrade' button.

Satellite construction time[]

Each event-exclusive governor reduces the satellite construction time of a particular satellite, depending on the governor's faction:

Place these governors in any city want and, as long as they are placed when initiate the corresponding satellite's construction, they will reduce the satellite construction time.

Outposts effects[]

(To be written)

Governor Factions and Lore[]

All of the governors are in a faction. Besides the lore that is in the descriptions, there is additional individual lore. For governor and faction lore, visit this page:

Main article: Governor/Governor Lore

Governor Events[]

Certain events can only take place on a world when have governors assigned to cities.

Main article: Governor/Governor Events

List of Governors[]


Name Faction Effect Power Boost
Olivia Stein Far-Future Institute Heat Reduction Yes
Miguel Akna Henriquez Sepúlveda Daughters of Gaia Heat Growth Yes
Elle De León Sons of Hephaestus Pressure Growth Yes
Frank M. Srikar UNSA Pressure Reduction Yes
Rafael Francisco Nogueira Horizon Corporation Oxygen Growth Yes
Lola Faradova Far-Future Institute Oxygen Reduction Yes
Zora Ikhwezi Michel Daughters of Gaia Biomass Growth Yes
Gwynn Badejo Sons of Hephaestus Habitations No
Dae-Hyun Yu UNSA Population Yes
Temmujin Battulga Horizon Corporation Revenue Yes
Tomoya Mukai Horizon Corporation Water Reduction Yes
Kainoa Akna Kalani Daughters of Gaia Water Growth Yes
Zeke Peña Sons of Hephaestus Facility Maintenance No
Yvonne Genet UNSA Birthrate Yes
Faizah Kirmani Horizon Corporation Culture Revenue Yes
Raj Ahmad Shah Far-Future Institute Biomass Consumption No
Sendhil Sharma Daughters of Gaia Construction Cost No
Minh Tran Sons of Hephaestus Construction Time No
Malakai Folau UNSA Upgrade Time No
Robert J. Gould Horizon Corporation Upgrade Cost No
Aria "Baby Boom" Alvarez Far-Future Institute Demolition Cost No


Name Faction Effect 1 Effect 2 Power Boost
Makuahanai "Duke" Kalama Far-Future Institute Water Growth Revenue Yes
Sofia Ishtar Batma Daughters of Gaia Water Reduction Biomass Consumption Yes
Bom Pryde Sons of Hephaestus Heat Growth Facility Maintenance Yes
Anyu Peratrovich UNSA Heat Reduction Birthrate Yes
Yusuf Mardin Far-Future Institute Pressure Growth Culture Revenue Yes
Ayzia Aoyama Far-Future Institute Pressure Reduction Population Yes
Yuna Freyja Song Daughters of Gaia Biomass Growth Construction Cost Yes
Pim Jansson Sons of Hephaestus Habitations Construction Time No
Johanna Longhair UNSA Population Upgrade Time Yes
Xochi Vela Horizon Corporation Revenue Upgrade Cost Yes
Justus Black Far-Future Institute Oxygen Reduction Biomass Consumption Yes
John Baltis Neherua Daughters of Gaia Oxygen Growth Construction Cost Yes
Steve Sons of Hephaestus Facility Maintenance Construction Time No
Etta Thitapura UNSA Birthrate Upgrade Time Yes
Ida Ayu Laksmi Dewi Horizon Corporation Culture Revenue Upgrade Cost Yes


Name Faction Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect 3 Power Boost
Zhou Xi Wang-mu Lee Daughters of Gaia Heat Reduction Biomass Growth Construction Cost Yes
Te Hau Arataki Sons of Hephaestus Heat Growth Habitations Construction Time Yes
David Munoz UNSA Pressure Growth Population Upgrade Time Yes
Nubia Matiba Horizon Corporation Pressure Reduction Revenue Upgrade Cost Yes
Rebecca Freyja O'Rourke Daughters of Gaia Oxygen Growth Biomass Growth Biomass Consumption Yes
Rex Jansson Sons of Hephaestus Oxygen Reduction Habitations Facility Maintenance Yes
Buzz Sullivan UNSA Water Growth Population Birthrate Yes
Vivica Matiba-Cavalcanti Horizon Corporation Water Reduction Revenue Culture Revenue Yes
Kaz Kojima Far-Future Institute Constructon Cost Upgrade Cost Demolition Cost No
Celicia Quispe, Ph.D Far-Future Institute Silver Mine Placement None None No


Name Faction Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect 3 Effect 4 Power Boost
Keahi Malae Far-Future Institute Heat Reduction Facility Maintenance Construction Time Space Elevator construction time Yes
Alana Freyja Lee Daughters of Gaia Biomass Growth Biomass Consumption Construction Cost Soletta construction time Yes
Neil Jansson Sons of Hephaestus Habitations Facility Maintenance Construction Time Sky Farm construction time No
Layla al-Battani UNSA Population Birthrate Upgrade Time Lagrange Academy construction time Yes
Appolo Matiba Horizon Corporation Revenue Culture Revenue Upgrade Cost Orbital Surveyor construction time Yes
Hoku Au Far-Future Institute Silver Mine Revenue None None None Yes
Lea No-Faction/Neutral Mine Depletion Time None None None No
Common FFI icon Aria "Baby Boom" Alvarez · UNSA icon Dae-Hyun Yu · SoH icon Elle De León · HC icon Faizah Kirmani · UNSA icon Frank M. Srikar · SoH icon Gwynn Badejo · DoG icon Kainoa Akna Kalani · FFI icon Lola Faradova · UNSA icon Malakai Folau · DoG icon Miguel Akna Henriquez Sepúlveda · SoH icon Minh Tran · FFI icon Olivia Stein · HC icon Rafael Francisco Nogueira · FFI icon Raj Ahmad Shah · HC icon Robert J. Gould · DoG icon Sendhil Sharma · HC icon Temmujin Battulga · HC icon Tomoya Mukai · UNSA icon Yvonne Genet · SoH icon Zeke Peña · DoG icon Zora Ikhwezi Michel
Rare UNSA icon Anyu Peratrovich · FFI icon Ayzia Aoyama · SoH icon Bom Pryde · UNSA icon Etta Thitapura · HC icon Ida Ayu Laksmi Dewi · UNSA icon Johanna Longhair · DoG icon John Neherua · FFI icon Justus Black · FFI icon Makuahanai "Duke" Kalama · SoH icon Pim Jansson · DoG icon Sofia Ishtar Batma · SoH icon Steve · HC icon Xochi Vela · DoG icon Yuna Freyja Song · FFI icon Yusuf Mardin
Epic UNSA icon Buzz Sullivan · FFI icon Celicia Quispe, Ph.D · UNSA icon David Munoz · HC icon Nubia Matiba · FFI icon Kaz Kojima · DoG icon Rebecca Freyja O'Rourke · SoH icon Rex Jansson · SoH icon Te Hau Arataki · HC icon Vivica Matiba-Cavalcanti · DoG icon Zhou Xi Wang-mu Lee
Legendary DoG icon Alana Freyja Lee · HC icon Appolo Matiba · FFI icon Hoku Au · FFI icon Keahi Malae · UNSA icon Layla al-Battani · Lea · SoH icon Neil Jansson
Note: The governors whose names are written in italics are outpost governors.